Workplace Safety Group
A workplace safety group could be the perfect solution if you and your co-workers believe safety is not being taken seriously around your workplace. Maybe you feel as though your employer is not offering enough safety training or maybe the measures being used to prevent accidents are just not enough. Have you or a co-worker been injured on the job because of improper safety training? Aworkplace safety group could be just what your workplace needs. Here are some simple tips on getting a group started within your workplace.
The first thing that needs to be taken care of, is finding out how the other employees feel about the safety practices that are being used. Get their input on the different types of hazards that exist. Give everyone a chance to state their thoughts and opinions. Keep it friendly and invite all of your co-workers to join the group. Try to get as many of your co-workers as you can involved in the preparation. Make sure to include your employer. Let your employers know that the safety group is not meant to cause problems for them. It is meant to find hazards and other issues that exist, that need special attention. The main purpose of your workplace safety group is to educate other employees and to help prevent accidents, which will ultimately save your employer money in the long run. If your employers take an active part workplace safety group, your co-workers are bound to take the program more seriously. If you have management’s approve, it is sure not to fail.
After you have everyone’s attention, start your research. Find all the different places within your workplace where safety hazards could exist. Research these different types of problems. Also do research on how to prevent these issues and what to do if someone is hurt on the job because of a related issue. Print all your information out and make binders to give to every employee involved in the program.
It is time to put your program to good use. Have your first safety meeting. Encourage all your co-workers and your employers to attend. Ask if you can put up fliers in the break room inviting everyone to take part. State on the flier time and place the meeting will happen. It is also a good idea to state your first safety topic. This will give everyone else a change to think of important things that they might also like to bring up regarding that issue.
When you have your first safety meeting try to make everyone feel comfortable and welcomed. Of course you have a point you want to get across but let everyone have the chance to state their opinion. Go over all the information that you gathered on the issue. After this is done, have a question and answer session. Never tell a person they are wrong but explain how something might work better in a different manner. Once this is completed have a quiz on everything that has been discussed.
Your workplace safety group meetings should be an ongoing process. Have everyone help keep them going. A good plan of action is to every week have a different co-worker instruct the safety meeting. So that way everyone is taking an active part.Try to remember to include your employer as much as possible. If you feel your workplace lacks safety, maybe it’s time for you and your fellow co-workers to take action. Developing a workplace safety group is the best way for everyone to take safety in the workplace seriously. Don’t force people to join but try to get as many people involved as possible. Safety should always come first.