Office Eye Safety

Office Eye Safety is a serious issue. Almost 2,000 eye related injuries occur each day. At least 10% of those injuries lead to permanent blindness. Protecting your eyes should be your number one priority when there is even a slight chance of injury happening. Eye injuries can be prevented if you just use the correct safety equipment. The most common causes of eye injuries are:

Office Eye Safety Tips

By following a few eye safety precautions you can greatly reduce your risk of injury. It only takes a few seconds to think office eye safety and put on your safety goggles. A few minutes now will save you a lifetime of problems.

Office Eye Safety Equipment

There are many types of eye safety equipment for all different situations. You can wear safety goggles,helmets or face mask. All of these are great for different reasons. Goggles are best used when working around machinery that produces dust or other small particles. You may even want to wear a face mask to prevent inhaling the dust. Goggles are only helpful for small or soft objects. They do not prevent metal from getting through. Goggles are also great office eye safety when working with chemicals. If you are working with metals a face mask cover is probably your best bet. It covers the entire face blocking stray objects from hitting it. A Welding mask should be used anytime you are welding of near any kind of flame to prevent burning your eyes.

Preventing injuries by following office eye safety procedures is easy if you just follow the rule and pay attention to want is going on around you. It is everyone's job to work safely. If you see a co-worker preforming an unsafe act you should tell them the correct way than let your boss know there are people working unsafe. Wouldn't you rather have someone correct your wrong behavior than loss an eye.

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