OSHA Safety Posters
OSHA safety posters come in many different shapes and sizes. Figuring out which OSHA safety posters are needed for your business can seem like tricky businesses, but don't fret. There are many general OSHA safety posters that most employers are supposed to use. OSHA safety posters help to prevent workplace accidents and also inform your employees on different types of regulations and standards. Here is a list of some of the different OSHA safety posters that are available.
- Drug Free Workplace
- CPR Guidelines
- First Aid Guide
- Fire Extinguisher
- Lockout/Tagout Procedures
- Back lifting safety
- Slips, Trips, and Falls
- Personal Hygiene
Drugs in the workplace cause many accidents every year. It is important to let your employees know your stance on drugs in the workplace. This poster lets your employees know that you have a zero tolerance when it comes to drugs in the work place.
Sometimes accidents happen and people will have to be given CPR. If you can't afford to have all your employees take CPR classes than this poster could help. This OSHA Safety Poster gives specific directions on CPR and tells your employees when and where to get help.
Minor injuries occur, such s sprains, cuts, and burns. If a minor emergency occurs this sign will give your employees directions on how to deal with these situations
In the unfortunate event a fire breaks out, it is important your employees know how to work a fire extinguisher. If a fire occurs this poster will give your employees easy to follow directions on how to use the fire extinguishers and the different classes of fires.
Lockout/tagout helps to prevent many serious injuries every year. The lockout/tagout poster gives your employees general information on lockout/tagout procedures.
Many people in the workplace hurt themselves, because they are not properly educated on the right way to lift heavy objects. This back lifting safety posters tells your employees the proper way to lift heavy items.
Slips, trips, and falls happen all the time in the workplace. It is up to each one of your employees to help prevent them. This sign discusses some of the basic reasons for slips, trips, and falls. It also meets OSHA general standards.
Personal hygiene in the workplace is a must. This poster reminds your employees how important personal hygiene in the workplace is.
There are many other types of OSHA safety posters. These are just a few that are available. Workplace safety must always be taken seriously. Many people are hurt on the job and some people even lose their lives. OSHA Safety Posters help to inform your employees on some of the different types of accidents that can occur and how to handle poetically hazardous situations. Check out the OSHA website, to find out what OSHA safety posters are a must in your workplace. If you are looking for more information on this topic or other safety topics be sure to check out the OSHA website.